Transferring wines to our warehouse

Many customers choose to consolidate their wines at our bonded cellar, to manage everything in one place and to save on storage costs.

To notify us of the wine you intend to move from your current warehouse, please have your current warehouse or merchant email us at [email protected] with the subject "TRANSFER REQUEST" with the following information:

  • Your account number
  • List of incoming wines including:
    • In bond purchase value (not required if duty paid)
    • Number of units (e.g. 1 case of 6 bottles)
  • For in bond transfers please include:
    • original purchase invoice(s), or if not possible, any proof of purchase values (required by HMRC)
    • eAD (Electronic Administrative Document) on the Excise Movement & Control System (EMCS)
  • For duty paid transfers please attach proof of duty payment (VAT invoice)
  • Where/who the wine is coming from
  • Suggested drink dates, if the original merchant can provide them

Please note that the  [email protected]  email should only be used by the sending warehouse or merchant, and not by private clients. Our warehouse will then provide a UID number to the sending warehouse or merchant, and work with them to book a delivery date.

Once our warehouse receives the wine, it will be inspected, verified versus the original instruction and then added to your reserves.

Our team is always on hand to answer any questions you may have - either email [email protected] or call us on +44 (0)1473 313 233

There is no charge for sending bonded wines and spirits. For duty paid goods, a charge of £6 per case (minimum £30 per transfer) applies.

If you are transferring wines from outside the UK

The following requirements apply based on its duty status and origin. Wines shipped without the correct paperwork will be at risk of being impounded or destroyed.

  • If the wine is being shipped in bond from within the EU, it must include an eAD (Electronic Administrative Document) on the Excise Movement & Control System (EMCS).
  • If the wine is being shipped duty paid from within the EU, the UK duty must have been paid in advance (most shipping agents can do this on your behalf). Please include the documentation with the wine, or risk paying duty twice.
  • If the wine is being shipped from outside of the EU, it should be sent with a C88 form, also known as a SAD (Single Administrative Document) and called a “customs entry” when completed.

If you are transferring wines duty paid from within the UK

We require proof of its previous location, whether it’s coming from your home cellar or a duty paid warehouse.

We may also require a condition report depending on the wine, its value and its age.

Transferring your wines to another warehouse

If you wish to transfer your wines (either in bond or duty paid) to an account elsewhere, please follow these steps.

Tell us what you want to send

Please notify [email protected] and include the following information:

  • Your Lay & Wheeler account number
  • The list of wines from your reserves
  • Where the wine is going:
    • A charge of £6 per case applies (minimum £30 per transfer)
  • Any corresponding account details with the receiving warehouse

We'll arrange the transfer

One of our Customer Care team members will let you know when we've released the wines from your reserves to begin the transfer process.

Your wines will be shipped

(And the receiving warehouse should get in touch when the transfer is complete)