"The Single Vineyard series begins with the 2006 Shiraz Zippy’s Block Roennfeldt Road, located in the Marananga sub-district of Barossa, an address made famous by Greenock Creek Vineyards and Cellar. A glass-coating opaque purple color, it exhibits a complex, expressive nose of pain grille, spice box, scorched earth, plum, and blueberry. This is followed by a mouth-filling, voluminous Shiraz with opulent blue and black fruits, savory flavors, and an exceptionally long, silky finish. Cellar it for five years and drink it from 2013 to 2026. " 97 points, Jay Miller, The Wine Advocate
Maturity Ready 2015 - 2028
Prices shown duty paid
Maturity Ready 2015 - 2030
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